eProcurement is supporting technologies with a broad range of purchasing and sourcing options. Not limited to a particular discipline or activity, these options include purchasing products online through e-marketplaces, e-auctions or other electronic means.
It is not a challenging task to implement electronic trading into a core business within an organization. The automated process is easier because the orders and transactions are linked back to their core financial and enterprise resource planning applications. So basically, the eProcurement procedure streamlines the prior manual processes through a controlled purchasing environment. This method augments spending visibility eliminating inaccurate buying and using multiple vendors. By reducing costs, the system increases transparency and efficiency for the company.
eProcurement Trend
Cost savings, corporate structures, and organizational competence are all factors driving eProcurement. Additionally, the staffing impacts, purchases authorizations, and work processes are addressed more efficiently at the organizational and managerial level. The central control and visibility of the eProcurement process offer more than monetary savings for company stakeholders. The transparency of all transactions gives the financial directors confidence with all invoicing throughout the organization. The contracts and deliveries are controlled eliminating fake contract purchasing.
Inefficiencies in the system are eliminated through analysis and procurement transparency. Relying on this standardized computerized method for clarity, the organizations implementing the eProcurement system exchange data and interoperability between corporate systems.
eProcurement Savings Benefits
Initially, the purchasing cost is reduced creating a cash benefit for the company. Savings are also realized through reduced overhead. The human factor of shorter order processing time and quicker fully automated processing is a savings benefit.
Non-cash benefits also increase cost savings and efficiency. Human intervention is eliminated from the supply chain removing the inconsistencies of personnel. Buying and selling a wide range of products with a smaller pool of employees, allows companies to manage the process without higher accuracy and lower long-term costs. The reduced time spent on procurement administration is redirected to other important tasks such as auditing, corporate compliance, and financial reporting.
Advanced technology and online aggregation of software offer comparability for consumers. The price and availability of goods can be evaluated within a secure, hassle-free environment. Forecasting, planning and evaluating the supply chain dynamics, becomes a proactive management functional rather than a reactive function.
This time and cost savings increases purchasing transparency with a savings benefit. The scope of the company procurement department is elevated through this streamlined trend.